Medical Equipment Maintenance
Medical equipment brings along with it associated benefits and problems. The problem that draws the most attention is maintenance. Lack of a maintenance policy can result in no advance planning for maintenance budgets and thus no availability of spares and accessories. Many laboratories and health care programs suffer because the installation and maintenance requirements are not planned in advance.

AreuMedical offer two types of equipment maintenance:
- Corrective Maintenance (or Repair)
- This is done to take corrective action in the event of a breakdown of the equipment. The equipment is returned repaired and calibrated.
- Planned (or Scheduled) Preventive Maintenance
- This work is done in a planned way before repair is required and the scheduled time for the work circulated well in advance. It involves cleaning, regular function / safety tests and makes sure that any problems are picked up while they are still small.
And we offer three level of maintenance:
- Level 1 , User ( or first-line )
- The user or technician will clean the filters, check fuses, check power supplies etc. without opening the unit and without moving it away from the point of use.
- Level 2, Technician
- It will be done when first-line maintenance cannot rectify a fault or when a six monthly check is due.
- Level3, Specialized
- Equipment such as CT Scanners, MRIs etc. will need specialized engineers and technicians trained in this specific equipment.